Family Service & Guidance Center children and families will benefit from $287,797.96 in grants awarded to agency programs and services.
The Foundation’s board of trustees met September 19 to review applications and make funding decisions.
“Our staff does so much great work for our kids and families, so it’s tremendously satisfying to be able to award funding to help our programs grow and expand and meet the needs of our community,” said Brenda Mills, CEO.
The FSGC Foundation is pleased to announce grants to the following:
Parenting classes, Training & Education Department, $9,279.14. Funding will pay for multiple sessions of parenting classes, including food, childcare and attendance incentives.
Anxiety Treatment Program training, Therapy Department, $11,000. Funding will pay the expense of attendance at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) conference for Anxiety Treatment Program team members.
Time-out room renovation, Youth Development Program, $16,500. Funding will pay for the remodel of three regulation rooms to a safer model.
Wireless communication system to be used by several programs, $33,000. Funding will enable the organization to purchase equipment that would allow campus wide HIPAA-compliant wireless communications.
Time-out room renovation, Attendant Care & Crisis Resolution Programs, $6,000. Funding will pay for the remodel of a time-out room at FSGC’s Crisis Resolution facility.
Twelve-passenger van, Crisis Resolution Program, $22,000. Funding will allow the purchase of a second van for client transportation.
Parent-Child Learning Center at Highland Park High School, Early Childhood Intervention Program, $17,000. Funding will cover expenses associated with providing consultation to the on-site day care at Highland Park High School.
Rubberized playground surface, Early Childhood Intervention Program, $20,200. Funding will pay for expanding the rubberized surface to areas currently dirt and grass.
Training and other start-up costs, Children’s Autism Program, $55,425.36. Funding will cover costs associated with specialized staff training regarding autism assessment, treatment and launch of the autism program.
Unrestricted funds, Early Childhood Intervention Program, $80.393.46. This funding comes from additional earnings on the Cindy Sue Juby Memorial Trust. The Juby Trust is earmarked for treatment of young children at FSGC.
Loan repayment, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, $20,000. Funding would make student loan repayment a benefit and serve as an incentive to draw a new psychiatrist to FSGC.
The Family Service & Guidance Center Foundation was established in 2009 to ensure that quality, affordable mental health care services are available to the children and families we serve today, tomorrow and for generations to come by ensuring the organization’s long-term viability. For more information on the Foundation or to learn more about making a gift to the Foundation, contact Pam Evans, Director of Marketing & Development, at 785.232.7902 or pevans@fsgctopeka.com.