Women embracing child lovingly

ADHD Treatment in Topeka

Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

It’s perfectly normal to daydream during class, lose focus at work, act without thinking or get fidgety at the dinner table or in a meeting.

What is ADHD?

It’s perfectly normal to daydream during class, lose focus at work, act without thinking or get fidgety at the dinner table or in a meeting. But inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity are also signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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boy playing basketball

ADHD Signs & Symptoms

ADHD affects about seven percent of school-aged children and five percent of adults. Symptoms are usually present before age 12. Common signs and symptoms of ADHD are:

  • A short attention span or is easily distracted
  • Failure to pay attention to detail or makes careless mistakes
  • Difficulty organizing tasks or activities
  • Forgetfulness
  • Unable to listen to instructions and cannot carry them out
  • Avoiding tasks that are time-consuming and require mental effort
  • Often loses things
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Inability to sit still even when the situation requires them to
  • Constantly on the go or running around
  • Excessive talking
  • Impatience making them unable to take turns
  • Interrupts and intrudes conversations or activities
  • Acting without thinking
  • Inability to concentrate on tasks

If symptoms persist for at least six months and are disruptive to you or your child’s life, consider exploring options for ADHD Treatment in Topeka.

A cartoon woman with glasses is sitting at a desk over a stack of papers looking overwhelmed by a ringing phone and spilled cup of coffee next to her

Why choose FSGC

Family Service & Guidance Center is a community mental health center that has extensive experience and expertise in meeting the mental health care needs of children, teens and families.

We serve nearly 10,000 individuals and families from more than 20 Kansas counties with direct clinical services, education and outreach. Our highly trained, dedicated professionals are here to help through ADHD Treatment in Topeka.

two kids playing Candyland board game
Member of staff teaching kids how to stretch

Don’t let little problems become big ones.

We know how tough everyday life can be. FSGC can help. Visit the “Get Started” page now and pre-register yourself or your child for mental health services in Topeka at Family Service & Guidance Center. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll begin to heal.

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