This year, it makes more sense than ever to avoid the mall when holiday shopping. If you shop on Amazon, you can get your shopping done and help FSGC kids by signing up for AmazonSmile.
“AmazonSmile makes it simple to get your shopping done while also making a positive impact on the lives of thousands of kids living with anxiety, depression, ADHD and other mental health issues,” said Pam Evans, FSGC Director of Marketing & Development.
It’s simple: When FSGC supporters shop AmazonSmile, Amazon donates .5% of their total purchase to FSGC.
Connecting to AmazonSmile is easy:
- Go to and set up an Amazon account.
- Select Family Service and Guidance Center of Topeka, Inc., as your nonprofit organization.
- AmazonSmile will remember your selection and donate to FSGC every time you shop.
- Remember to bookmark AmazonSmile!
If you already have an Amazon account, it’s even easier:
- Go to
- Select Family Service and Guidance Center of Topeka, Inc.
- Everything else in your account — your settings, you shopping cart, wish list, registries — will stay the same.
Feel extra good about giving this holiday season. Sign up for AmazonSmile today!